Energetisch is er momenteel zo ontzettend veel gaande. Angst, onrust, chaos, korte lontjes, griepachtige verschijnselen om maar even wat te noemen wat misschien ook voor jou herkenbaar zal zijn. Er zijn enorme energiestijgingen die ons triggeren om ‘wakker’ te worden, ons bewustzijn te verhogen om weer te mogen en kunnen voelen vanuit ons diepste ZIJN. Vanochtend op facebook las ik onderstaande tekst, herkenbaar en zo mooi beschreven, over het proces wat we momenteel doorlopen….Ik deel hem graag met jullie;
Once upon a time in the future,
A story is being told,
About the humans in the Earth,
And how their destiny did unfold,
How they threw away their knowledge,
Decided to give up all their needs,
They saw that all the doors were open,
So they got rid of all their keys,
That they came to the understanding,
There was really nothing to fight,
It had all been a false perception,
Darkness having to be conquered by the light,
The story tells how their eyes opened,
That they could actually finally see,
Despite their self-created prisons,
They had the power to be free,
How they opened up their hearts,
Let all fears be consumed by love-fire,
And that for all this to be done,
There only had to be one desire…
The desire to just feel love,
Surrender to all fights, just Be…
The choice to Be the Love they truly are,
Was indeed what set them forever free.
~ Kaiyann Isa ~